Sunday, August 14, 2011

Family Business

I'm afraid our other 3 kids are too worried about Tommy and his contacts and patch.  I don't mean that they are worried about his future or are all doom and gloom.  They worry about the day-to-day stuff.  If they notice his patch is off, their first reaction is "Mommy!  Tommy's patch is off!" in near panic- even if it is the evening.  They worry about his contact and whether it is in or not.  My oldest was born a worrier- but she is constantly gazing into his eyes to make sure she sees it.  It is difficult to see, so she regularly sounds the alarm "I CAN'T SEE HIS CONTACT!"
It struck me most when Tommy rubbed his contact out last Friday on the drive home and it was sitting on his cheek.  My 4-year old was in the car yelling that Tommy lost his contact!  At first, I just thought she was trying to get in on the panic action.  Her 6-year old sister peers over the back seat and said "It's true, he lost his contact!"  Lo and Behold, the contact was sitting on his cheek, plain as day (and thankfully safe!)
While I am happy to have help in keeping track of all of this, other times I worry that they are too worried about non-kid stuff.  No 9 year old should have to worry about her brother's patching time.  (Although, if I am honest, she'd find something else to worry about if it wasn't that!)  No 4-year old or 6-year old should watch out for her brother's contact.
I guess that's just one more reason my girls will be spending time on a therapist's couch someday....

1 comment:

  1. My oldest son does the same thing. He is also the nervous type. So he would probably find something to create drama anyway, but when he says the contact is missing we all go searching. He is usually right. He can see it better than I can sometimes.
