Friday, October 28, 2011

As if patching weren't enough.

We took a mini-vacation to a water-park last weekend.  Tommy's dad ran a marathon, so we tacked on a family vacation to it.  Overall it was tons of fun.  It is always great to have a few days off of work, cooking, laundry, and cleaning.  BUT... there is always a but, right?   Just before leaving, someone posted a question about baby goggles on an aphakic web page.  Baby goggles?  Yes, apparently in addition to worrying about LOSING a contact, I also had to worry about it getting infected with nasty pool-germs.  What?  Ok, so I know pools are gross, but as the mother of 4, I've gotten over a lot of my squeamish tendencies.  I fully believe in the 3-second rule, and I've looked the other way when I see Tommy chewing on one of his own shoes.  I can let myself forget all the 20/20 shows with the blacklights and sit on the bed in the hotel room, and although I know pools are gross, kids love water parks, and the germs never hurt anyone with a fully functional immune system.
But... when it comes to Tommy's eyes, I tend to be a little over-the-top wimpy.  According to moms on the website, the Silsoft contact he wears can absorb germs.  So any water that gets in his eye could be dangerous.  Of course, I read this at 8pm the night before we leave so there is no way I can call his ophthalmologist, so I have to believe in this.  Yuck, ugh, mini "woe is me" melt-down.  Now what?  Does he have to sit out and lose out on any fun?  Should I worry more when I give him a bath?
It all worked out fine, Tommy isn't old enough to do any slides, so I patched in the morning with contact in and basically held him while I watched his sisters have fun.  (My arms were TIRED!)  Each afternoon, I'd take the contact out and he could go in the kiddie-pool for a little bit and splash away at his heart's content.  I know, it wasn't a big deal, but it isn't FAIR!  I know, there are so many other worse things.  He is a healthy little boy and is making great progress.  But I was jealous.  Jealous of all those little babies splashing away in the pool without a care in the world.  And yes, he was one of them for a little bit each day, but for 6 hours, he was stuck watching with his patch on.  People were generally gracious about his patch- although I did want to get business cards printed up with his story so I wouldn't have to repeat myself... or listen when people thought he had a lazy-eye and shared story after story with me about themselves, their son/daughter/cousin/friend/etc.  I did patiently explain (when asked) or nod (when they assumed) but it was tiring.  If I'm this tired of what I have to deal with, I can't imagine how tired he must be of having to wear that itchy, hot, sticky patch each day.


  1. I have to say... I get it, I get all of it. You are not alone in any of this. And neither is Tommy! :)

    PS. Thank you for this post, I think it is good to be aware of germ infested water splashing into our children's very precious, sensitive eyes. I have not considered this before and now I will! Thank you!

  2. I don't care how kind some one is about the patch/glasses, it is annoying after the 30th time. I am with you on the business cards. :)
