Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Tommy's First Christmas!

Each year I promise myself that "next Christmas, I will slow down"... and of course, that never happens.  (I can dream, right?)  I thought I'd spend a bit of time letting Tommy look at lights and enjoy the tree.  I figured that he would be drawn to the bright lights and be mesmerized.  An idyllic scene, right?  Well, guess what?  Tommy is ALL BOY.  He wasn't interested in lights... or the tree, really!  What he wanted was to chew on the cord to the lights.  He wasn't that interested in the presents- just interested in moving them out of the way so he could get to the cord. 

Otherwise, Tommy's first Christmas was relatively uneventful (no electric shocks!).  I think his favorite gift was a patch-free morning!


  1. Mine were mesmerized with the lights on their first Christmas but they were 3 months, ha! I hear ya on the cords and sockets and boys! Azalea could care less, not Easton. Patch-free anything is always a gift!

  2. I didn't patch Austin on Christmas. Some one asked me that day, if we were done patching. HA! as if.... I told them even Scrooge let his worker have the day off on Christmas. :)

  3. He is so precious! Love you all!
