Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Patching Works!

We went for another follow-up visit to the ophthalmologist (1 month post-op)... and finally had some good news!  Tommy's original contact prescription was +32 diopters, at the last visit it changed to +23 D.  That is a significant change!  To put it in a little perspective, a typical farsighted contact prescription for an adult would be ~+3.1D.
While Tommy's prescription is still a HUGE correction, it represents positive results!  The doctor and the nurse were impressed with his progress.  He patches 2 hours per day,while not easy, it has been worth it!  They also mentioned that his eye was getting bigger- more good news!  Since he has PHPV it is (was?) possible that the eye wouldn't grow.  So, the eye is growing and seems to be improving.  We won't be able to tell his real vision prognosis until later, but for now, I choose to be optimistic!


  1. This is such great news! We've been praying for the sweet little guy! I can't wait to hear about his progress in the months ahead. I love your blog!

  2. YAY! So very amazing.... LOVE, LOVE, LOVE hearing this.
