Friday, April 27, 2012

Random thoughts

This post is unlikely to be helpful or even make sense.  I've just had a jumble of thoughts that I need to let loose.  After reading other eye-mom blogs, my ranting really isn't well thought out and certainly won't be well-written, but I need to get it out.

     I took a few days off this week (no daycare for Tommy).  I, of course, spent those days shopping.  In the saleslady kept talking to Tommy about "his cute little band-aid!"  "Don't you have a cute band-aid with little fishies on it!"  "Isn't that such a cute little band-aid!"  Yes, I did refrain from punching her right in the face (but I certainly did it in my head).  I chose to ignore her.  Until the end.  The patch didn't last through the whole store- he took it off and placed it squarely on his chest.  When I checked out, the saleslady hurried over and said (loudly):  "Where is your band-aid!  What happened to your BAND-AID?"  So, I told her the whole stinking story.  I wish it ended there.  Nope.  She needed to add that "her nephew had to wear a patch, you know, he had what must have been some genetic thing where his eye crossed right in, you know?  Well, he's not so little anymore, and you wouldn't even know it!  So don't worry, he'll be fine!"
I know, I KNOW she meant well.  But she ruined my zen shopping experience.  Tommy LIKED the Gap, he didn't squeal and throw things in The Gap.  Kids clothes were 40% off!  Stupid lady.

2.  The contact that wouldn't die.
    Tommy has lost many contacts in the last few weeks.  One lasted 3 days.  One lasted 7 days.  One lasted 1.5 hours.  But, through it all, there is one contact (the previous prescription) that has resurfaced in many places:  his diaper, behind his crib, on the floor of the car, under his high-chair, and in his car seat.  That ONE contact has survived many ills, it's cloudy and he likely can't see great with it, but we HAVE it.

3.  The contact we can't keep.
  The new, ultra-slim, +17 contact that was prescribed in February?  I'm on #5 (with #6 on order).  This last one?  I got it in the mail Wednesday night.  I put it in Thursday morning, dropped 2 girls off at one school (Tommy stayed in car), 1 girl off at preschool (Tommy came in), and went to Speedway to get caffeine (Tommy came in).  When we get home?  Gone.  Gone, gone, gone.  I searched the car and myself, and the car again and my house, but it's gone.  I really do think he eats them.  I looked at preschool at pickup (no luck) but didn't really want to skulk around Speedway...  chalk it up to another one gone.

4.  This just sucks
   I don't really need any further explanation.  You all know.  It sucks and I'm tired of it.

5.  Tommy finally took a step!
   This has nothing to do with his contact, but Tommy finally took a step- 5 of them!  14 months old and he can finally walk!


  1. I'm sorry, I know you are not laughing... but I had to laugh when you wrote you think he eats them! That thought literally crossed my mind like yesterday and I thought I was nuts, now I don't think I'm nuts. LOL I will sleep peacefully tonight.

    It must be a full moon or something?! That or the contact fairy got caught up with patchy the pirate and stopped making rounds?! Don't ya just love the boat we float in. ;)

    I love how strange people can easily say that our children will be fine but fail to notice how or what it takes to get them there!

    You are doing it, don't forget that! One day, one baby step at a time. Congrats to the big boy on his first steps! Love it, pic please!!!

    1. I'm fairly convinced he eats them. I checked ONCE in the diaper. No more.

  2. I'm right there with you. The lost contacts, the patches, the comments, the stares. Shoot, even family members will say, "she is going to be fine." Or my favorite, "She has the one good eye - so she will be okay." But the are not living with us, putting in endless drops, going through surgery or being afraid to go to the doctor for more bad news. Rant away.

    I did also laugh about eating the contacts. You could search his diaper - but I think that is taking the contact search a little too far! ;)

    Hang in there. Us"Eye Moms" need to stick together. Just know that when you are frantically searching or being supremely irritated by a stranger - somewhere in this world another mom is doing the same thing. We may be few, but we are mighty! Go EYE MOMS!

    I want to see a pic of Tommy! Let's see that mobile guy!

  3. #4 should be #1! THIS SUCKS!! I would have punched Gap woman, so kudos to you for holding back a bit. And, yes, RANT AWAY!! You have to or you will go crazy. There is no way to get through this other than 1 minute at a time.

    Hang in there, you are awesome and yay for walking!!

  4. Ok... I have to admit that I looked in a diaper for a contact. hehe. I couldn't help myself. It was a wet diaper to be clear. It was the one he had on when he lost the contact. I found it in his pants one time. So it wasn't that crazy, right???

    They do eat them. Austin tried to eat one when he was younger. It was a RGP. He choked on it, literally. I did the Heimlich on him. If it had been soft it would have went right down. It wasn't the only one that I found in his mouth either. Because it was hard, he would just roll it around in there after the choking incident. It was always the first place I looked after I realized it wasn't in his eye.

    Totally agree with all the rants. It is exactly how I feel about this whole deal.

    Also I HATE to hear that he has one good eye. WELL A WHOLE LOT OF GOOD THAT DOES!!!! We cover it all FREAKING day! So thanks a lot for the words of encouragement... People say things before they think. That is the only thing that keeps me from punching the well-meaning, idiotic stranger. (P.S. I am not a crazy hormonal pregnant lady.)

    I never feel like what I write comes out like I mean it to. I love reading your thoughts even if they feel random to you. They make me feel a little less weird knowing that someone else gets it and feels the exact same way!

  5. I love how you totally ranted your feelings and I completely, 100% don't mind at all!! Sometimes it is so liberating and none of us are judging you. Keep the rants coming!

    I agree with #4. This does totally suck. McCoy is going to have another surgery to remove the scar tissue from his initial surgery that is now blocking his vision. It is definitely a roller coaster of some sort. It is a never ending theme park rather, if you ask me.

    I have to say I laughed at Amanda's response about the contact fairy getting caught up with patchy the pirate and stopped making rounds! We too have had an interesting contact time lately. Hang in there and enjoy your beautiful band-aid free baby boy!
