Wednesday, July 11, 2012

No news is good news

I've been very lax at keeping this blog up.  There are many reasons why:  I have 4 kids, I work full time, I like to sleep, just to name a few.  However, the main reason I haven't posted.... is that I have nothing to say!  Life has been pretty calm in the eye world for us:
We did have a recent ahh appointment 2 months ago.   No news (which is GOOD news!).  They checked pressures for the first time, they are fine (YAY!) and Tommy didn't mind the test (yay again- no EUA!).  No new vision tests (no cards or anything, I'm jealous!  See Eye Charts from "See the Distance").  No glasses (and I've been waiting and waiting for those!)  This appointment was just after our long series of contact losses where I nearly lost my mind... and perhaps shared that politely ummm, dramatically, with the optical technicians on the phone.  I guess they make note of such outbursts in medical charts.  Our PO asked how it was going and said oh-so-nonchalantly that if he kept losing them, we could consider surgery.  YIKES.  Hello wake-up call.  We really hadn't thought it was THAT extreme.  I guess inability to tolerate a lens is grounds for surgery.  Luckily, that has settled out a bit.

Knock on wood, cross my heart, pray for me, or whatever else will work... but we are in a relatively good place.  Patching isn't going horribly and we haven't lost a contact in over a month.  I'm trying not to expect badness... and am trying to enjoy this moment of peace.  I know it won't last forever, so I'm enjoying while I can!

Eye-wise, life is pretty boring!
 In other news:
     We attended the wedding of a really good friend:

Tommy wearing the tux in action.
GQ has already called.

And little man got a haircut!  (It was time- Tommy spent some time in the ER for trouble breathing... and the nurse thought he was a GIRL!)

The Before


  1. he has awesome hair! i love it. YAY for no news. Of course his eye is perfect-he is too cute in that tux for anything to be wrong! And, I cannot even begin to understand life with 4 kids, my one kid puts me over the edge a lot of days, so you are clearly awesome.

  2. I agree. Four kids. You are a super Momma. Love the hair....and the little eye squint. Nicole does the same thing. I think it is super cute. Congrats on great news!

  3. You are my hero. I have three kids now and I am happy when I have 15 minutes to sleep. I imagine that finding time to blog is extremely difficult. So kudos to you on updating this. :)

    HE is a doll. I am so glad things have smoothed out a bit with the contact. I am assuming that the surgery would be for an IOL? I can't speak highly enough about our decision for an IOL. I LOVE IT!!!

    He has the most wonderful hair. Before and after, he couldn't be sweeter.

  4. First of all... Happy Anniversary on July 4th! Girl, you are NO Granny if you are raising 4 kids and an Eye. LOL I'll admit I'm addicted to reading imom's blogs, so new posts make my day... but I'll settle for your awesome comments and amazingly good news! No news is definitely good news!!! :)

    By the way, what issue of GQ will Tommy be in?! So so so adorable! ;) Love the new do!

    1. Oh yeah and thanks for the Eye Chart shout out... I understand your frustration and impatience. This journey can certainly inch along at times. Isn't he still a little young though? If I'm remembering correctly, he's barely 18 months... right?

  5. Too cute! I love the pic in the little tux. I've been lax on my blog lately too - it is summer, we are imoms, life is busy!

    We got the same thing from the PO about doing an IOL if we can't get a contact to stay in. Since that chat - it has only fallen out twice in two weeks! I think Julia heard us and is "willing" the lens to stay in.

    I love that no news is good news - but we love hearing your updates too!
